Sustainable, Eco, Climate, terms that determine everyday life and terms that are at the top of TMBoats' list in developing and realising the next step in Houseboats.
Our Houseboats come equipped as standard with a substantial insulation package, optional solar panels, wooden windows with triple glazing and roof coverings with white slate. Sustainable, Eco and Climate go hand in hand with comfort, health and well-being, as the insulation package and triple glazing save energy, some of which comes from the sun, and thus also provide a comfortable and healthy indoor climate. The white slate roofing ensures that it stays up to 4 degrees cooler in the boat during the summer months. The layout of our Houseboats is also unique, with a separate toilet and spacious bedrooms, a spacious bathroom, a technical room that is accessible from the outside, a private entrance (not through a bedroom) and plenty of daylight through the large windows.
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