The LandscapeLodge® is the first application of a newly developed autarkic and high-quality construction concept.
The beautifully shaped lodge is designed in a way that allows one to experience the scenery to the utmost, from each room, and in a way that fosters harmony between the lodge and its surroundings.
The lodge's autarkic nature means that utility connections are superfluous. This enables one to erect the lodge at any location.
The LandscapeLodge® is constructed in the factory in prefabricated units, under controlled conditions, and can be erected on location in just one day.
The LandscapeLodge® consists of four linked components that are erected with the 'backs' facing.
This results in a 360 degree panoramic view of the scenery. The components are laid out differently and can be utilised and / or stacked, depending on the environment.
The lodge can be erected on screw poles in shallow water or on pontoons if the water is deep.
Renewable and natural materials are used in the actual structure and in the façade elements. The lodges are therefore perceived as part of the scenery.
Other finishes with more or fewer linked components can also be devised, apart from the LandscapeLodge®.
Various new techniques are incorporated, which allow one to stay in the LandscapeLodge® without the need for utility connections.
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