Connect Homes offers 15 models to fit different lots, lifestyles, and budgets. Replacing your old home with the modern build of your dreams? We can help. Building a second home in the country? We can help with that too.
The homebuilding industry has not innovated in over 100 years. Until now, if you wanted to build or remodel a home, you had to: Manage the project yourself. Hire an architect. Make hundreds of design decisions. Spend countless hours in showrooms selecting finishes, fixtures and appliances. Search for trustworthy local builders and contractors. Go through a nontransparent bid process. Brace yourself when the bids come in higher than expected. Endure a year or more of construction, change orders, unexpected delays, and extra costs. Not know how much your home is going to cost until you move in. We decided to find a better way.
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